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Chess Challenge Mondays

With Mrs. Deb


Each September we offer Beginning Chess Instruction Classes for students in grades third through 8th grade. We also welcome kids returning from previous years. The combination of beginners vs. intermediates is a fun and easy way to teach a chess class. The experienced players become 'tutors' to the beginners. We make it their job to pass on their knowledge. It's surprising how well this concept works in our small library.


Just For Beginners:


1. We Learn The Chess Board:






















  What square does the following pieces start on:

White King: _____   King's Bishop: ______  King's Knight _____    King's Rook: ______

White Queen: _______ Queen's Bishop: _____ Queen's Knight: ____ Queen's Rook: ______

The 8 White Pawns: _____ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______


BLACK King: _____   King's Bishop: ______  King's Knight _____    King's Rook: ______

BLACK Queen: _______ Queen's Bishop: _____ Queen's Knight: ____ Queen's Rook: ______

The 8 Black Pawns: _____ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______



White King: E1   King's Bishop:F1   King's Knight: G1     King's Rook: H1

White Queen: D1 Queen's Bishop: C1 Queen's Knight: B1 Queen's Rook: A1

The 8 White Pawns: A2  B2  C2  D2  E2  F2  G2  H2 


BLACK King: E8  King's Bishop: F8  King's Knight: G8  King's Rook: H8

BLACK Queen: D8 Queen's Bishop: C8  Queen's Knight: B8 Queen's Rook: A8

The 8 Black Pawns: H7  G7  F7  E7  D7  C7  B7  A7


How To Read the Chess Board:


If you are White - the rows (ranks) start with the number 1 on your left and move up the board.

If you are BLack - the rows (ranks) start with the number 8 on your right and move down the board.


If you are White - the files (columns) begin with the letter A to yur left and move in the proper sequence across the board.

If you are Black - the files (columns) begin with the letter A on your right and move backward across the board.



Making A Grid for a Chess Board:

YIf ou don't want to purchase a Chess Board Grid, use brown craft paper.

How to:

Measure your Chess Board and then cut your paper one inch larger on all four sides.

Measure each square and mark with permanent marker and label each square on the brown craft paper. With White being the side closest to you: lable each square (ranks/rows) going up the board. 1 begins on your left side and progresses to 8. On your right side repeat.

For the files/columns label the first squre on the bottom left with A, working across the bottom of the board to H.

Across the board on the BLACK side, H will begin on the bottom left and work backwards to A on the right square.


This simple grid will help students learn each squre.

I usually have students practice each piece's movements calling out a square on the board. They then move a piece in the correction formation of movements to reach the square I called.








                     THE BOARD:


A chessboard has 64 squares.

A light colored (OR RED) square is always on the bottom right. 

There are 8 rows: (ranks), numbered 1-8.

There are 8 files: (columns), labeled A-H.


Practice naming each square. 

Can you find:

A4, B3, C7, D5, E8, F1, G6, H4 


Placement of the WHITE Chess Pieces:

On Row 2: all pawns fill each square.

On Row 1: (left to right) Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop Knight, Rook.

Placement of the BLACK Chess Pieces:

On Row 7: all pawns fill each square.

On Row 8: (left to right) Rook, Knight, Bishop, King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook.

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